Travis H. Work Animation

2025 Animation Demo Reel
  • Hello and welcome to my animation portfolio site!

    I graduated from the Art Institute of Portland in 2008 with a Bachelor’s degree in Game Art & Design, with a focus on animation. Although I have yet to work on a video game, I was fortunate enough to have worked on feature films, TV commercials, and various in-house projects for a number of companies and colleagues. I have been animating since 2005, and have been a professional animator since 2011. If the above demo reel sparked interest in my work, below can be found compilations of various projects I’ve worked on over the years.

    My contact information is located at the bottom of this page. I would love to hear from you if my talent and experience would be a helpful addition to your company, project, or team.

    Kind regards, and enjoy!

    Travis H. Work

This is a compilation of all my assigned animation sequences from the feature film “Lichozrouti”, or “Quirks”, from Alkay Studio based in Prague, Czech Republic. We were a small team who delivered a movie that was shown in cinemas all over the country.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked on this feature film within a small enough team that I would be responsible for over 9 minutes of the movie’s runtime.

“Ctyrlistek” or “Four Leaf Clover” was the second film I worked as an animator on during my time in the Czech Republic, made by Alkay Studio in Prague, and shown throughout the country in cinemas.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked on this feature film within a small enough team that I would be responsible for just under 7 minutes of the movie’s runtime.

This is a compilation of all my assigned animation sequences from the feature film “Kozí Příběh se Sýrem”, or “Goat Story with Cheese”, from the Art & Animation Studio based in Prague, Czech Republic. We were a small team who delivered a movie that was shown in cinemas all over the country.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked on this feature film within a small enough team that I would be responsible for about 11 minutes of the movie’s runtime.

“AGAAA”, or “A Girl and an Astronaut”, is a Polish TV show currently airing on Netflix. This video is a compilation of all the animation work I did as a “ghost” animator working remotely for MagicLab.

“Hodinaruv Ucen” is a Czech feature film that I was contracted to remotely animate a short segment of a Cuckoo bird for.

This is a commercial I animated and created the character rigs for. It was aired primarily in the UK (or so I was told). I was contracted through Pixelbox Studios, a small studio in Zlin of the Czech Republic.

BCA is an Indonesian Bank and this project is a TV commercial made to be aired in that country. Whether or not it every did, I may never know. This video is an edit of only the animation work I did while working at UPP (Universal Production Partners), the largest VFX production studio in Prague, at least at the time.

Jakub Vondra, a friend and talented VFX artist, asked me to animate a character he built in this very short project. He created everything other than the animation, which I was proud to do for him.

Tricktown is a small studio that a few friends and colleagues of mine created a number of years ago as they wanted to set out on their own. During their early days, they produced a number of in-house projects to showcase the talents of their new company. This is one of those projects. I was asked to do the animation of a lion that they wanted to use to showcase their team’s technical abilities. This is simply called “Lion Project”.

This is another compilation from a project called “Galyntine”, a TV show that I believe was actually cancelled during its production, from my time working at UPP (Universal Production Partners). This was an interesting project to take part in because of the integration of the VFX elks and the human actors.

This was a short contract I animated for a an Ice Cream commercial out of Bulgaria. I simply call this one “Bulgarian Ice Cream Commercial”.

This is one of a few projects I worked with Prague based studio Cinesco on as a remote animator. I call this one “Bus Project” for obvious reasons, and it was made as a TV advert. Although not character work, it was still a fun job to complete and only took a short time to finish.

Another Short project with Cinesco, this is another TV commercial for the Czech metro system’s “Master Pass”.

Another Short project with Cinesco, this is a TV advert where I animated two googly eyes to created a floating face using fruit; ingredients for the product being sold by Sunarek – “Cool Ovoce”.